On 21 November 2018 the National Contact Point Austria organized an anniversary event to celebrate 10 years of EMN together with companions of the last decade. Among the guests were representatives of the National Steering Committee of the EMN, Austrian ministries, international organizations, nongovernmental organizations and research institutes. They were invited to an afternoon with scientific lectures and discussions as well as a festive reception.
The lecture program:
- Migration in Austria over the course of the last 100 years: a historical overview
Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Dirk Rupnow, University of Innsbruck - The development of the EU migration and asylum policies between 2008 and 2018 and the role of the EMN
Mag.a Saskia Heilemann, IOM Country Office for Austria – EMN - The relevance of research in the field of migration
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mathias Czaika, Danube University Krems
Council Decision 2008/381/EC has served as the legal basis for the EMN since 2008. Over the past 10 years the EMN has provided up-to-date, comparable and objective information on migration and asylum in the EU, contributing to policy making and public debate. The EMN has produced research on a wide range of topics across all aspects of migration and asylum policy, from labour migration, to integration, family reunification, international protection, trafficking in human beings and return. More information on the work of the EMN can be found in the recently published anniversary report and an anniversary video.