EU Migration Talks – Pathways to Citizenship in Austria and the EU

Organizer: EMN Österreich

30 June 2020, online

Within the framework of the event series EU Migration Talks, EMN Austria presented the new study “Pathways to Citizenship for Foreigners to Austria“. Compared to other European countries, the acquisition of citizenship in Austria is strictly regulated, associated with very high fees and charges and limited by various criteria. Guided by an academic discourse of Univ.-Prof. Dr. Rainer Bauböck (European University Insitute) and Dr. Gerd Valchars (University of Vienna) the following two topics were examined:

  1. Citizenship as the end point of a comprehensive integration process
  2. Costs related to the granting of citizenship

Together with the participants, examples from other EU member states were discussed and, among other things, the state’s symbol and signal policy was questioned. Please find a summary of the discussion here