Organizer: EMN Austria, Ministry of the Interior
8 May 2023, Vienna
On the occasion of the publication of the EMN Inform „Prospects for displaced persons in non-EU first reception and transit countries“, EMN Austria, in cooperation with the Federal Ministry of the Interior, organized a panel discussion on May 8th, 2023. The discussion shed light on national strategies, new findings, and future challenges in the interplay between migration, displacement, and development. Among other things, the question of how support measures by donor countries such as Austria can be effectively linked to improve the living conditions of the displaced persons, as well as the population in the receiving communities, were explored.
The discussants are:
- Mag.a Franziska KANDOLF, Leiterin der Gruppe V/A, EU und Internationales, Aufenthalt, Förderungen, BMI
- Victoria RIETIG, Leiterin des Migrationsprogramms der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik e.V. und Mitglied der DE- Fachkommission Fluchtursachen
- Alexandra JONES-LUX, BA MSc, Leiterin des Referates V/A/5/b, Internationale Migrationsangelegenheiten, BMI
- Bot. Mag. Bernhard WRABETZ, Leiter Abteilung VII.3, Humanitäre Hilfe und Nahrungsmittelhilfe, BMEIA
- Mag.a Andrea GÖTZELMANN-ROSADO, Results-Based Management and Liaison Analyst, IOM Landesbüro für Österreich
Moderation: Alexander SPIEGELFELD, MSc, Mitarbeiter für Forschung und Kommunikation, IOM Landesbüro für Österreich