The European Migration Network (EMN) holds two annual EMN Conferences each year in the Member State currently presiding over the EU Council. In addition, all EMN NCPs hold their own conferences and events for discussing and sharing findings and research.
Joint Webinar: “Young migrants in transition to adulthood”
Organizer: EMN Cyprus, EMN Greece, EMN Italy, EMN Luxembourg
28 January 2021, 10.00 - 13.00 (CET), online
EMN-OECD Webinar: „Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on voluntary and forced return procedures and policy responses”
Webinar: „Alternatives to Detention: A State of Play”
EMN Conference: “Access to Citizenship in Ireland and the EU”
Webinar: „Missing children in the European Union”
Organizer: National Contact Point Luxembourg in the European Migration Network
3 December 2020, 10.00 - 11.30 (CET), online
Webinar: “The impact of COVID-19 on remittances in EU and OECD countries”
Organizer: European Migration Network (EMN), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
1 December 2020, 14.00 - 15.30 (CET), online
Webinar: “Pathways to Citizenship for third-country nationals in EU Member State”
Organizer: National Contact Point Netherlands in the European Migration Network
26 November 2020, 10.00 - 11.30 (CET), online
Webinar: “Pathways to Citizenship in Finland and other EU Member States”
Organizer: National Contact Point Finland in the European Migration Network
18 November 2020, online
EMN Roundtable: “EU labour migration policy: Time to move from a skill-based to a sector-based framework?”
Organizer: European Migration Network (EMN), DG Joint Research Centre (JRC), DG Migration and Home Affairs (HOME)
5 November 2020, online
A briefing paper on the event is now available.
EMN Annual Conference: “Towards effective asylum and migration management – Innovative approaches and implementation in practice”
Organizer: National Contact Point Germany in the European Migration Network, Federal Office for Migration and Refugees