Organizer: National Contact Point Austria in the European Migration Network
12 June 2013, Vienna (Austria)
The IOM Country Office for Austria as the Austrian National Contact Point in the European Migration Network (EMN) organised a national conference on 12 June 2013 in the Albert Schweizer Haus in Vienna. Aim of the conference was to analyse the diverging strategies and different perspectives (countries of origin as well as countries of destination, the private sector, etc.) and to exchange experiences of EU and non-EU countries. The first EMN study of 2013 “Attracting Highly Qualified and Qualified Third-Country Nationals” provided the research background for the conference. Concluding the conference, Austrian experts discussed future perspectives concerning the immigration of (highly) qualified third-country nationals to Austria.
Agenda (EN I DE)
Further Information available in the conference report (EN I DE)
09:30 – 10:00 | Moderation: Maria Temesvári, IOM Country Office for Austria |
10:00 – 10:15 |
WELCOME AND OPENING Peter Webinger, Federal Ministry of the Interior, Austria Katerina Kratzmann, IOM Country Office for Austria |
10:15 – 11:00 |
KEY-NOTE SPEECH Howard Duncan, Metropolis Project, Canada |
11:00 – 12:00 |
SESSION 1 – PERSPECTIVES ON THE IMMIGRATION OF (HIGHLY) QUALIFIED THIRD-COUNTRY NATIONALS TO AUSTRIA Alfonso Giordano, LUISS University of Rome, European Centre for International Affairs, Italy and Belgium (Perspective of the country of origin of (highly) qualified migration. A focus on India) Kenan Güngör, difference GmbH, Austria (Gewinnung qualifizierter Drittstaatsangehöriger? Welche Kompetenzen braucht es? – Anforderungen, Widersprüche, Perspektiven) Marina Manke, IOM Regional Office Vienna for South-Eastern Europe, Eastern Europe and Central Asia (National strategies and measures in the global competition for talent: Experience of countries in South-Eastern Europe, Eastern Europe and Central Asia) |
Questions and discussion | |
12:00 – 13.15 | Lunch |
SESSION 2 – NATIONAL STRATEGIES AND MEASURES IN THE GLOBAL COMPETITION FOR TALENT Richard Jackson, UK Home Office, United Kingdom (A more selective immigration System) Saskia Koppenberg, IOM Country Office for Austria (Nationale Strategien und Maßnahmen im globalen Wettbewerb um die besten Talente“ – Österreich) Bernd Parusel, Migrationsverket (Swedish Migration Board), Sweden (Das nachfrageorientierte System für Arbeitszuwanderung in Schweden) |
Questions and discussion | |
14:30 – 15:00 | Coffee break |
15:00-16:30 |
FUTURE PERSPECTIVES ON THE IMMIGRATION OF (HIGHLY) Moderation: Katerina Kratzmann, IOM Country Office Vienna Heinz Fassmann, University of Vienna, Austria Petra Gregorits, PGM marketing research consulting, Economic Chamber Dietmar Hudsky, Federal Ministry of the Interior, Austria Heinz Kutrowatz, Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Ulrich Schuh, Eco Austria, Austria Questions and discussion |
17:00 |
Closing |