National EMN Information Event

Organizer: National Contact Point Austria in the European Migration Network

21 June 2010, Vienna (Austria)

The International Organization for Migration in Vienna (IOM Vienna) and the National Contact Point Austria in the European Migration Network presented their respective activities at the Ministry of the Interior. During the first part of the information event, Andreas Halbach (Director of IOM Vienna) introduced the different departments of IOM Vienna. These are: Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration, Counter Trafficking, Operations, Border Management and Project Development. The second part of the event was dedicated to the aims and tasks of the European Migration Network. Dr. Katerina Kratzmann (Head of Research) presented the current political framework and the outreach of the network as well as future developments, such as the Information Exchange System. Mária Temesvári, E.MA, legal advisor at the National Contact Point Austria, explained the Ad-hoc queries (an instrument to gather quick information from the European Member States), and Elisabeth Petzl, MA, research associate at the National Contact Point Austria, presented the EMN studies. Anna Dederichs, MA, research associate at the National Contact Point Luxembourg, introduced the EMN Glossary on Migration and Asylum, which was published in its first version in February 2010.

1.) Agenda (pdf)

2.) PPT Präsentationen

    Andreas Halbach
    International Organization for Migration (IOM) (PDF)

    Ilirjana Gashi
    Assisted Voluntary Return and Integration (IOM) (PDF)

    Eurídice Márquez
    Trafficking in human beings (IOM) (PDF)

    Katerina Kratzmann, Elisabeth Petzl, Mária Temesvári
    European Migration Network (IOM) (PDF )