With the Informs series of publications, the European Migration Network (EMN) provides concise summaries of the most significant findings on a specific topic — gathered from sources such as studies and Ad-Hoc Queries — and presented in a form suitable for use by policymakers.
Processing the biometric data of third-country nationals
The new EMN inform explores national legislation and practices in the collection and processing of biometric data of third-country nationals in 24 EMN Member Countries and three EMN Observer Countries, in accordance with the requirements of national and European law. The inform aims to enhance understanding of existing legislation and practices in biometric data management within migration processes.
Application of the Temporary Protection Directive: Challenges and good practices in 2023
The new EMN inform covers the application of the Temporary Protection Directive 2001/55/EC in 2023, shedding light on the challenges and good practices observed across 25 EMN Member Countries. This analysis offers insights into the handling of migration dynamics, particularly amidst the backdrop of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine.
Governing the accommodation of international protection applicants
The new EMN inform provides an overview of how EMN Member and Observer Countries manage accommodation for international protection applicants. With fluctuating asylum applications, limited housing capacity, and community relations at stake, effective governance is essential. This inform explores how EMN Member and Observer Countries navigate these challenges through centralized, decentralized, or mixed governance models, ensuring a response to fluctuating asylum demands.
Migration Diplomacy: An analysis of policy approaches and instruments
The new EMN inform, developed in collaboration with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), explores the role of migration diplomacy in fostering international cooperation for effective migration management. It examines diplomatic tools, practices, and challenges across EMN Member and Observer countries, with examples from OECD countries, focusing on good practices, challenges, and key factors for successful migration diplomacy.
Practices and challenges in identifying victims of torture and/or ill-treatment in the context of international and temporary protection
The new EMN-Red Cross EU joint inform explores practices and challenges in the early detection and identification of victims of torture and/or ill-treatment within international and temporary protection contexts. Developed in collaboration with the Red Cross EU Office and the Swedish Red Cross, this inform provides an overview of the guidance and training available to EMN Member and Observer Countries. It highlights procedural safeguards for asylum authorities requesting medico-legal documentation in international protection applications and examines practices for identifying victims among beneficiaries of temporary protection to ensure appropriate medical care, in line with the Temporary Protection Directive.
Implementation of measures for civic training as an important tool for integration of third-country nationals
Civic trainings play an important role in the integration of third-country nationals (TCNs) across Europe. The recent joint inform from the European Migration Network (EMN) and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) explores the implementation of civic orientation courses across 25 EMN Member and Observer Countries. These courses are essential for providing TCNs with the knowledge and skills necessary for their social, cultural, and political participation in host societies.
Migration and development cooperation
The migration-development nexus is increasingly important at EU and international levels. This inform examines national strategies, policies, and specific programmes in EMN Member Countries and Serbia from 2019 to 2023, highlighting initiatives through bilateral and multilateral cooperation with third-country partners.
Coherent return and reintegration assistance
The new EMN inform explores good practices and challenges in the coordination between different stakeholders and between different stages of return and reintegration of third-country nationals in EMN Member and Observer Countries. It explains how improved coordination among stakeholders, enhanced institutional frameworks, and effective national strategies can facilitate a consistent and structured approach to return and reintegration across Europe.
Monitoring the Integration of Third-Country Nationals
The joint EMN-OECD inform presents an overview of policies and state-led practices designed to monitor the integration of third-country nationals. It compares the relevant national legislation in the 25 EMN Member and Observer Countries and highlights different dimensions of integration - from education and employment to social inclusion and civic participation.
Labour market integration of beneficiaries of temporary protection from Ukraine
Employment is pivotal for the integration of migrants and refugees. The joint EMN-OECD inform focuses on this important issue of labour market integration in regard to beneficiaries of temporary protection from Ukraine across EMN Member and Observer Countries as well as non-EU OECD countries. It offers an analysis of employment trends, policy priorities and labour market integration measures in host countries. Moreover, it points to challenges, such as skills mismatches.