The aim of the Annual Policy Reports is to outline the most significant political and legislative developments in the EU Member States and at European level as well as to inform about public debates in the area of migration and asylum within the EU Member States.
Serving as the basis of the Annual Policy Reports, the Annual Reports on Asylum and Migration Statistics present for the specific Member State an analysis of the statistical trends in asylum and migration during the reference year. The Annual Reports on Asylum and Migration Statistics were prepared by the European Migration Network (EMN) up to and including 2009.
With the help of an external service provider, the European Commission publishes an EU Synthesis Report summarizing the main findings from the National Reports prepared by the National Contact Points.
Annual Report on Migration and Asylum 2023
The Annual Report on Migration and Asylum 2023 provides an overview of migration and asylum-related developments and debates in Austria between January and December 2023. In this year, addressing the shortage of labour and skilled workers was a cross-government priority. A number of measures were taken to facilitate the access to the labour market of third-country nationals and to promote the recruitment of skilled workers from third countries. Displaced persons from Ukraine were granted unrestricted labour market access and their temporary protection status was extended until March 2025. Additionally, Austria strengthened bilateral cooperation with third countries in the areas of qualified immigration, irregular migration as well as return and reintegration.
- EMN Annual Report on Migration and Asylum 2023 (EN)
- EMN Österreich Jahresbericht über Migration und Asyl 2023 (DE)
- EMN Austria Annual Report on Migration and Asylum 2023 (EN)
- EMN Annual Report on Migration and Asylum 2023 (EN)
- Beitrag zum Jahresbericht der Europäischen Kommission (DE)
- Contribution to the Annual Report of the European Commission (EN)
- Statistical Annex (EN)
- EMN Observer Country Statistical Annex (EN)
- EMN Annual Report on Migration and Asylum 2023 - Inform (EN)
- EMN Annual Report on Migration and Asylum 2023 - Flash (EN)
- Country Factsheet Österreich (DE)
- Country Factsheet Austria (EN)
- Other Country Reports
Annual Policy Report 2022
The Annual Report on Migration and Asylum 2022 provides an overview of migration and asylum-related developments and debates in Austria between January and December 2022. In 2022, the war in Ukraine was the defining issue, necessitating new regulations (for example, the Regulation on Displaced Persons) or the adaptation of existing systems (for example, in the area of integration). Furthermore, a comprehensive reform of the relevant legal foundations brought about changes and facilitations in labour migration, among other things, and measures were taken to address the shortage of skilled workers in Austria. In addition, the high number of applications for international protection and the reaching of capacity limits in basic care played an important role, especially in media reporting.
- EMN Austria Annual Report on Migration and Asylum 2022 (EN)
- EMN Österreich Jahresbericht über Migration und Asyl 2022 (DE)
- Contribution to Commission and to EASO Annual Reports (EN)
- Contribution to Commission and to EASO Annual Reports (DE)
- EMN Annual Report on Migration and Asylum 2022 (EN)
- EMN Annual Report on Migration and Asylum 2022 - Inform (EN)
- EMN Annual Report on Migration and Asylum 2022 - Flash (EN)
- Country Factsheet Austria (EN)
- Statistical Annex (EN)
- Other Country Reports
Annual Policy Report 2021
The Annual Policy Report 2021 provides an overview of migration and asylum-related developments and debates in Austria between January and December 2021. The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in (temporary) measures being introduced in a number of areas including aliens law, social and educational support, labour market integration, border controls, and removals. Since 1 January, the newly established Federal Agency for Reception and Support Services company with limited liability has also been responsible for the service areas of legal advice, return counselling and return assistance, human rights monitoring, and interpreting and translation services. In addition, various legislative amendments relating to labour migration were implemented. Furthermore, the topic of migration also played a key role in the country’s media reporting, for example the child’s best interest in asylum procedures.
- EMN Austria Annual Report on Migration and Asylum 2021 (EN)
- EMN Österreich Jahresbericht über Migration und Asyl 2021 (DE)
- Contribution to Commission and to EASO Annual Reports (EN)
- Contribution to Commission and to EASO Annual Reports (DE)
- EMN Annual Report on Migration and Asylum (EN)
- EMN Annual Report on Migration and Asylum - Inform (EN)
- EMN Annual Report on Migration and Asylum - Flash (EN)
- Country Factsheet Austria (EN)
- Statistical Annex (EN)
- Other Country Reports
Annual Policy Report 2020
The Annual Policy Report 2020 provides an overview of migration and asylum-related developments and debates in Austria. A main development in 2020 was the inauguration of a new Federal Government, ushering in changes in migration and asylum policy, as outlined in the Government Programme 2020–2024. The recently established Federal Agency for Reception and Support Services took over responsibility as of 1 December 2020 for administrating material reception conditions to applicants of international protection under federal care. Overall, developments in 2020 were driven by the COVID-19 pandemic and related mobility restrictions. For example, to ensure a continued food supply as well as to cover the demand for nursing services, special arrangements were found for certain key workers in agriculture or in medical and care services to allow entry to Austria and to facilitate the renewal and issue of work permits.
- Annual Policy Report Austria (EN)
- Contribution to Commission and to EASO Annual Reports (EN)
- Contribution to Commission and to EASO Annual Reports (DE)
- EMN Annual Report on Migration and Asylum (EN)
- EMN Annual Report on Migration and Asylum - Inform (EN)
- Country Fact Sheet Austria (EN)
- Statistics Annex (EN)
- Other Country Reports
Annual Policy Report 2019
The Annual Policy Report 2019 provides an overview of migration and asylum-related developments and debates in Austria. A main development in 2019 was the establishment of the Federal Agency for Care and Support Services for asylum seekers. The Agency is expected to work at full capacity as of 2021. Further, as of 2019, the list of shortage occupations was broken down by province, making it possible to issue a Red-White-Red card for skilled workers, based on the labour market needs in a specific region. To promote language acquisition, German courses provided to people holding a protection status were expanded to level B1. Remedial German classes for pupils were also introduced.
Annual Policy Report 2018
The Annual Policy Report 2018 provides an overview of migration and asylum-related developments and debates in Austria. The main legislative development was the entering into force of the Act Amending the Aliens Law 2018. The Act implemented the Students and Researchers Directive (2016/801) in national law and led to several amendments mainly in the area of asylum. Furthermore, the topic of migration played a key role in the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union in the second half of 2018 and thus also in the country’s media reporting.
Annual Policy Report 2017
The Annual Policy Report 2017 provides an overview of migration and asylum-related developments and debates in Austria. The main legislative development was the entering into force of the 2017 Act Amending the Aliens Law, the Integration Act and the Integration Year Act . One of the significant political developments was election of a new Austrian National Council in October 2017 and the building of a new coalition. In 2017, the topic of migration dominated the election campaign for the National Council and thus also the country’s media.
Annual Policy Report 2016
The Annual Policy Report 2016 provides an overview of migration and asylum-related developments and debates in Austria. The main legislative development was the entering into force of the Amendment to the Asylum Act, the Aliens Police Act and the Federal Office for Immigration and Asylum Procedures Act. One of the significant policy developments was the adoption of measures to implement the 50 Action Points for the integration of persons entitled to asylum or subsidiary protection. Both, the legislative amendment and the integration measures were among the topics most intensively covered in the Austrian media.
Annual Policy Report 2015
The Annual Policy Report 2015 provides an overview of migration and asylum-related developments and debates in Austria. The main legislative development was the entering into force of the Act Amending the Aliens Law 2015 on 20 July. Significant policy developments such as the introduction of temporary border controls or the adoption of an Integration Package for persons granted asylum and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection took place in the context of the migration movements along the Western Balkan route and the sharp increase in the number of asylum applications in Austria. Both, the Act Amending the Aliens Law 2015 and the refugee and migration movements were the topics most intensively covered in the Austrian media.
Annual Policy Report 2014
The Annual Policy Report 2014 provides an overview of migration and asylum-related debates and developments in Austria. In 2014, the establishment of the Federal Office for Immigration and Asylum and the Federal Administrative Court were important topics as they are part of a major institutional and administrative reform. There were also significant amendments to the Border Control Act and to the Citizenship Law aimed at tackling the issue of so-called foreign fighters. A policy development worth highlighting is the initiative "Integration at the regional level" which was launched to support integration at the local level and to strengthen the integration competence of local authorities. The lack of available reception facilities for asylum-seekers in the provinces and the overcrowding of the main initial reception centre in Traiskirchen were the issues most intensively covered in the Austrian media.